Welcome to
Dan (Chalkie) White’s
Welcome to
Dan (Chalkie) White’s
Blog, music, photos, Raleigh choppers and all that jazz.
Since March 2012, I have been working in the light microscopy industry. I used to work at the Max Planck Institute CBG in Dresden, Germany, as part of BioDIP, the Biopolis Dresden Imaging Platform.
I was in the light microscopy and image processing facilities, specialising in 3D visualisation, image processing and analysis, and also microscope development (SPIM) and DeltaVision OMX.
BioImageXD is a platform independent free open source software for visualisation, processing and analysis of image data from biological imaging.
I was the “IT coordinator”.
I was also involved in
Fiji (is just imageJ - batteries included) and helped develop a few plugins like Coloc_2 for colocalisation analysis
Hi there! The views expressed in these webpages are my own and are no reflection of the official policy of any organisation I might work for or be affiliated to etc. So there. Anyway, have fun here! Cheers, Dan
Dan’s Blog